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2013 Fall Piney Woods Hammer-In

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Robert Wright
Posts: 425

This was my first hammer-in and I really enjoyed it! All the demos and classes I attended were well done, and I learned some really useful techniques. I've already forged and ground 2 small bruts with my first hollow grinds. I'm in the process of making several gizzmos that Mike was kind enough to share. It was very, very helpful to have my knives looked at by Masters and Journeymen. Some were okay and others were not, but that is how you learn to improve. The class on judging standards is a must attend! And, the auction was alot of fun, too.

Thanks to all the instructors, and to the many that worked behind the scenes! It was a pleasure to meet everyone.


Posted : 23/09/2013 8:49 pm
Posts: 1
New Member Associate/Collector (5yr)

I attended the Fall Piney Woods Hammer-In this past September 14-15, and it was one of the most outstanding workshops dealing with metalwork that I’ve ever experienced. Held in the bucolic environment of the Old Washington Historic State Park, one could almost feel the history in the air as the finer points of creating knives were shared with Hammer-In attendees. (On a personal note, I have numerous family members, as well as a great deal of family history, in southwestern Arkansas, so the weekend felt like a return home, in so many ways.)

The classes and workshops I attended were nothing short of phenomenal. Throughout the weekend, I felt so privileged to listen to world-class Mastersmiths demonstrate their expertise and knowledge. My only disappointment was that there was no way to attend every class!

Overall, what struck me - almost more than the vast knowledge and wisdom of all the instructors - was their collective humility, respect for one another, and dedication to their craft. Each instructor made it clear that they are open and available to assist anyone, regardless of bladesmithing knowledge, on the journey to becoming a better bladesmith.

My personal thanks go to these extraordinary Mastersmiths: Joe Keeslar, J. R. Cook, Mike Williams, Terry Vandeventer, and Dr. James Batson - and especially Founder B. R. Hughes - for so generously giving of their time and talent to all of us who attended.

In this, my first foray into the world of bladesmithing, I was remarkably impressed with the Fall 2013 Piney Woods Hammer-In, but more so with the leaders of the American Bladesmithing Society. The organization is indeed in great hands.

Thank you,


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Posted : 16/10/2013 11:44 pm
Posts: 1675

Tia, thank you for the great review. It was good to meet you at the Hammer In. I hope to see you at future Hammer Ins. Thank you again.


Brion Tomberlin

Anvil Top Custom Knives

ABS Mastersmith

Posted : 18/10/2013 9:35 am
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