General Forum news posted by the Forum Administrator and Forum Moderators.
A place to introduce and welcome new ABS Forum members. Please tell us about yourselves.
A place for news, events and miscellaneous discussions dealing with bladesmithing in general.
Forum for information and discussion of non-ABS sponsored member hammer-ins, classes, seminars, and educational events.
A place to post questions by those new to forging and bladesmithing.
This is a Forum to discuss forging methods and techniques.
Basic discussion of techniques in making pattern welded "damascus" steel blades.
Discussion of Grinding Techniques, Abrasives, Grinders, Sharpening and Blade Finishing.
Discussion and questions about heat treating.
Discussion of design concepts and construction techniques used in building forged knives including bowie, hunter, integral, dagger, antique, folding, etc.
Demonstration and discussion of the steps to build a specific style knife or "how to" tutorials.
A place to show and tell about your work. You can also request constructive critiques and useful advice.
Discussion of design and techniques for making sheaths
Discussion of design concepts and construction techniques used in building forged tools, tomahawks, pipe hawks, and axes.
Discussion and tips on tools, equipment, and jigs used in bladesmithing.
Discussion and tips on materials and supplies used in bladesmithing.
Discussion about books, videos, and other reference materials on bladesmithing and related techniques.
A place for ABS members to locate available tools and supplies. All transactions, trades, and sales of tools and supplies are conducted between private parties.
Forum for information and discussion about official ABS sponsored Hammer-Ins and ABS endorsed Hammer-Ins
A place to post "How To" videos that show bladesmithing techniques or demonstrate the building or use of tools and jigs for knife making
Forum for information and discussion about official ABS sponsored Events -
Blade Show, Atlanta, GA
ICCE Show Information - 2019
Super Globals
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